St. Michael’s the Archangel Ukrainian Catholic Church Centennial Celebration in Montreal

I would like to be:

·        an honorary sponsor, at $1,000 or more

·        a sponsor at $500

·        a donor at $250

·        a supporter up to $250

·        Other

   I would like to include my greeting or advertisement in the commemorative book (submit by March 10, 2011):


·        Full page at $200

·        Half page at $100

·        Quarter page at $50

·        Business card at $25


Name (Please print): _________________________________________ Email:____________________________

Address: _______________________________________ Apt.No._______City: ___________________________

Province: __________________ Postal Code: ______________ Phone: (___)_________________

Make cheques payable to St. Michael’s the Archangel Ukrainian Catholic Church.

Please mail this card and cheque (and business card if applicable) in the enclosed envelope.

*This is not a tax receipt. Tax receipts will be issued for contributions $25 and over.               


Enter your greeting (in the language of your choice) or advertisement here: